
Thriller film ideas (to get ideas):
In this first task, we had to watch various different thriller films to take notes on what went well in the opening, what could be improved, the influence, and the codes and conventions of the opening. From this task, we learnt different codes and conventions which needed to be included in our opening sequence, as it will make it clearer to the examiner what the genre of the opening is. 

Team meeting 1: 

In today's meeting, we discussed openings for our thriller film. We needed to make sure that we were creating an opening that fit in successfully with the thriller codes and conventions, therefore it was very helpful to have the research grids above at hand. We eventually came up with two equally successful ideas for our thriller film. The first featured a girl being chased by a man through a dark mysterious road. During this chase, the audience flash back and forward to an interview, in which a man is being asked questions about the matter. The flashbacks of the woman being chased reveal the answers to the questions the man is being answered during the interview. We thought that by using flashbacks, we would give the audience some information, but not too much, therefore it would give them a reason to watch the rest of the film. We also felt that the mysteriousness of not showing the man's face, would engage the audience in the action and keep them in anticipation. At the end of this action scene, we will have a piece of text reading "6 years later" which will let the audience know what is going to happen in the full film. Our group decided that we would show credits at the bottom of the screen while this action is taking place, and show the title of the film at the end of the action to build up tension for the audience. We will be using a variety of shots including close ups to get a look at the emotion in the character's faces, and establishing shots, so the audience are able to see what is happening out side of the action. 

Our second idea for an opening for a thriller film is to set it in a field, as that was another popular choice from our questionnaires. We decided that we would like to set this in a field as it is a desolate place and the scene would be set at night to create a very mysterious atmosphere. The plot of this thriller film was for a girl to be chased through a field and quickly abducted by a man. We see that she is quickly murdered, however the audience do not find this out until into the movie, creating a tense build up for the audience and making them want to continue watching. This opening scene would involve a lot of close up shots in order to get the emotion from the characters. 

Team meeting 2: final idea

Thriller Questionnaire

What certificate would you expect a good thriller to be?
U     PG    12    12A    15  18  
What is your favourite thriller film?

What actors would you associate with thriller films? Leonardo Dicaprio/John Travolta/Daniel Craig

What gender would you expect the hero of the thriller film to be? MALE/FEMALE

Where would you expect the thriller to be set? Urban Area/Field/House/Hospital                            

What would you expect the hero to be wearing? Suit/Pyjamas/Wedding Dress

How many deaths would you expect in a thriller? None/2/3

Would you expect the villain to have a facial deformity? Yes/No

What would expect the love interest to be wearing? A dress/ a suit/ shorts

What kind of music would you expect the soundtrack to be? Dubstep/ Rap/ R&B/Choi/Tense Music

What weaponry would you expect to be seen? Knife/Gun/Sword

When would you expect the action to be shot? Night time/Afternoon/Morning    


From this questionnaire, we are able to see that the target audience of most thriller films are 15 year olds. The film was expected to be set in a house in an urban area, with the villain to be a male wearing casual clothing, and for the prop to be a gun.  
This will therefore be taken into consideration when doing out opening sequence of a thriller film. 

Mise-en-scene survey

Independent Cinema Logo:

This Logo was later changed after realising that it did not go into our film very well. We also felt that it was not clear what the image was, therefore we changed it to this:

Pitch (before improvements)

Presentation feedback:

Pitch powerpoint with added feedback:

Pitch to focus group:

Conclusion to feedback:
In conclusion to the presentation to the class, we received a lot of positive and helpful feedback. The first thing that we need to make sure that we will do when filming is to use an external microphone, as the one built in to the video camera may not successfully pick up the important sounds in our filming.
Another student asked what our flashbacks would be containing, therefore we explained that the flashbacks would contain the answers to the question that were being asked during the interview. We needed to make this clearer in our powerpoint.
A peer suggested that we change our logo to something a bit more relevant to the 'platinum', therefore we decided to change the picture in our logo to a platinum rock. This gives a connotation of strength and value which is what our aim was.
We were also given an idea that has been taken on board, to change the age range of our thriller from 15-18 year olds to just 15 year olds. This has been decided as it will encourage a more accurate target audience.
Finally, we were given the idea to get rid of the fact that our villain is an escapee. This has been taken on board as after much consideration, we have discovered that this is not relevant to the story line and may confuse the audience. We also found that this would be hard to portray in the opening sequence.
We found many of the feedback points very helpful in the process of planning our thriller and all points that were given from our focus group have been taken on board and have been adapted in our planning.

Order of credits in Juno:
  • Production company embedded in action
  • Other production companies shown in action
  • Director after production company
  • Title after logos
  • 7 actors names in action
  • Casting by
  • Costume designer
  • Music and songs by
  • Music supervisors 
  • Co producers
  • Film editor
  • Production designers
  • Director of photography
  • Executive producers
  • Produced by
  • Written by
  • Directed by

By being shown the order of the credits in the opening scene of the film Juno, we are now given an idea of the credits that we need to involve in our thriller opening. We also know the order that these credits should go in for our thriller opening sequence. This will also make sure that we will not forget any of the main people needed to be included for credit. 

Timeline of events in our opening sequence:
Feedback from class:

From this feedback, we have decided that we may have an issue when it comes to the sound on our recordings. We have considered using a microphone or going back in post production and adding the voices afterwards, as the speaking may not be as clear on the original film. We also decided to use some different types of shots at the start of the scene to show where the film is set, for example, an establishing shot. We have also decided that our sub-genre will be a crime thriller, which will be shown by the use of guns and a file on the protagonist; Rebecca Foster's laptop. 
Equipment list:
Equipment List

Equipment required
Rationale (why have you chosen this?)
External Microphone

To make the vocals in all of the scenes, clear and easy to hear as the camera microphones are not completely reliable.
Murder scene
A ladder is needed so that a bird’s eye view shot can be gained when the victim is lying dead on the floor to create impact.

This will be used to film the footage.
Photograph scene
This will be used to follow the gun going over the photographs along a mantle piece
 In a smooth action.
Sound producing equipment

Murder scene
Underlying score
The sound producing equipment will be used when a gun shot is needed, sound effect will be used to create the gun shot effect.
Sound producing equipment will also be used to create an underlying that will be played throughout the whole film.

Prop and Location list:

Prop Required
Any other 
Rationale (why have you chosen this?)

Table and chairs
Investigator/questioning scene

We have chosen this to make the area we are filming in look more realistic and like a police station.
Tape recorder

Investigator/questioning scene
Shall be used when dialogue begins introducing the interview day/time.
We need this prop to make the scene some more realistic and professional.
Investigator/questioning scene
Shall be used to shine the light on the villains face
The scene will look more realistic and pressurising to the audience.

Investigator/questioning scene
Shall be used when the investigator is going through the villains notes.
Will make the scene more intense and realistic. Investigator can “gather more information” on the case.
Television, lamp, sofa (homely objects)

In the first flashback
When you can see the villains point of view when watching Rebecca Foster over many days.
We have chosen this to make the scene seem more realistic and homely making the end shots more horrifying.

In the second flashback
This will be used to produce the shadow on the wall over Rebecca.
We will be using this to make the shadow seem more scary and bigger. This will show the power John has over Rebecca.
In the third flashback.
This will be used when Rebecca is traipsing the gun over the family photos.
This will make the film seem more violent and build up tension and threat.

In the third flashback
These will be used when the villain is traipsing the gun over them.
By using family photographs with the character in, it will make it seem more realistic as the character lives a normal everyday life.

Location List
Location Required
Any other information (bookings etc)
Rationale (why has this location been chosen?)
Jennys Dads Office

Investigator/questioning scene

This location has been chosen to make the police station seem more realistic and like we are in a real place.

House Rebecca Foster lives in (Hayley Hubballs house)
In the first flashback

This will be used in the establishing shot to set the scene of the plot.

Film outline Template and Guidance:
  • Copyright: Copyright in a work (script, film, music, artwork, etc.) resides with the author or creator.
  • Distribution: Distribution refers to the marketing and circulation of a film. For instance in cinemas, on Television, DVD, Video-On-Demand services & the Internet. Use research.
  • Feature Music: Includes musical scores and soundtracks.
  • Formats: What format are you recording in? What format will you distribute? 
  • Music Supervision:  A music supervisor (or musical director) is an individual who combines music with film, TV etc.
  • Outline: The plot structure to your opening sequence.
  • Post-production: Everything that takes place once the film has been shot. Including editing, grading, music, visual effects.
  • Target Audience: Whose your audience and what research is this based upon?
  • Synopsis: A brief description of the overall story (if the film was a full length feature film).
Production Title: The Vengeance
Production Company Name: Platinum Productions.

Jenny Cooper
Katie Barnes
Hayley Hubball
Bethan Bromley

Republic Pictures - we have chosen this because it is an American independent cinema production-distribution company that is successful and also has studio facilities.


Feature Music
Copyright free score.

The HD format will be used in this production.

Music Supervision
Sally Cooper

The film begins with a definition of Vengeance (which is the title of the film), “Punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.” This is on a black ground with white font. The first scene is a mid shot of John Mulberry the villain being interviewed by an Interrogator, a harsh light is focused on the villain. This scene will be shot in my dad’s office. The first dialogue is the introduction to the interview which is being recorded. Questions are then asked to John Mulberry about the death of Rebecca Foster. Any questions asked are revealed in the flashbacks. The flashbacks will be shown in black and white. This shows innocence vs evil and helps make the film seem more professional. John Mulberry is an ex prisoner, of whom was sent to jail because of Rebecca Foster, who is a lawyer from Wolverhampton. Therefore he is seeking revenge on Rebecca as he was supposedly innocent, this links in with the title. Throughout the flashbacks it will show John stalking Rebecca over many days at a specific time. In the last flashback it will show the murder of Rebecca Foster however the murderers identity is unknown but the finger is pointed at John Mulberry. At the end of this shot a black background is shown with “6 months previously” in white text.

Post Production
Jenny Cooper
Katie Barnes
Bethan Bromley
Hayley Hubball

Target Audience

15 year olds of both genders but mainly focused on males.
After the 6 months previously shown at the end of the opening scene it would then show what happens in that time period and the relationship between Rebecca Foster and John Mulberry. It will show how Rebecca is searching through Johns details and trying to find out where he is and the police searching for him over the years
At the end of the film the audience will find out that John was innocent in both suspected murders and was stalking Rebecca to try help save and protect her as he knew someone was coming after her.

Specific aspects which have helped us in our research are feedback from questionnaires and surveys, watching a variety of thriller film openings which we have been able to take ideas from and develop upon the cinematography and editing in our own production. 

Character Development Profile:

Who are the characters within your film?
The characters within 'The Vengeance' are:

  1. Rebecca Foster - Young Lawyer, pretty, tall and slim. 
  2. John Mulberry - Ex prisoner, mid 50's, tall, dominating character.  
  3. Detective Inspector Smith - Young female inspector.

Background of characters:
  1. Rebecca Foster -  A lawyer from wolverhampton. Who is mid 20's. Her first big legal case of which she succeeded was sending ex prisoner, John Mulberry to jail for murder.
  2. John Mulberry - Ex prisoner, committed no crime up until the point of accusation. His dad, Craig Mulberry was an ex prison warden. He has no children and both parents are now dead.  Mid 50's.
  3. Detective Inspector Smith - Very intelligent woman of whom who has studied criminology for several years. Mid 30's. 

  1. Rebecca Foster - Sends John Mulberry to jail for the murder of an innocent person, she feels justice is needed and had enough evidence at the time to send John Mulberry to prison. 
  2. John Mulberry - Tries to protect Rebecca Foster as he knows that she is in danger, however it is portrayed that he is the one stalking her home. Makes you feel as though he's out to kill her, mainly due to the fact that she sent him to prison for being innocent. 
  3. Detective Inspector Smith - Wants justice for the death of Rebecca Foster, an innocent Lawyer of whom is from her trade, Law. 

  1. Rebecca Foster - Victim of a violent conflict.
  2. John Mulberry - Has a strong conflict with detective inspector smith, who accuses him of committing a murder. He strongly disagrees and says that he is innocent. 
  3. Detective Inspector Smith - Conflict with John Mulberry over dispute of the true murderer. 


  1. Rebecca Foster - Aspires to be a famous Lawyer  known over wolverhampton. Aims to close her first big case and succeeds with John Mulberry. 
  2. John Mulberry - To be part of the MI5. He aims to give something back to the world and protect people.
  3. Detective Inspector Smith - Aspires to be the worlds leading detective, who is notoriously known for winning cases. 

Traits and characteristics.

  1. Rebecca Foster - Very honest and a hard work ethic, aims to achieve her best in her law career. Quiet and shy. Very family orientated and is popular with her friends, also, is a cat lover. 
  2. John Mulberry - Slightly bitter for the years he has been in jail, innocent, however, he is very forgiving and nevertheless aims to help people. Appears very sly and mysterious, however he is a very intellectual person and focuses on peoples every move. This being due to intelligence rather than psychological issues. 
  3. Detective Inspector Smith - Very sly and suspicious character, questions and takes note of peoples body language. This being a knock on affect from her day job. Very outspoken and loud, questions and aims to outsmart her opponent. 

As the screen FADES IN FROM BLACK, an office is shown with an INTERROGATOR sitting at a table. The CLICK OF A TAPE RECORDER is heard and a MID SHOT is used to show the INTERROGATOR talking to JOHN MULBERRY. The INTERROGATOR sits down shuffling papers and looking at JOHN MULLBERRY.

The date is 8th October 2013. The time is 6:37pm. We are interviewing JOHN MULLBERRY.
Where were you at approximately 9:13pm on 6th October 2013?

FLASHBACK IN BLACK AND WHITE. QUICK CUTS of JOHN MULLBERRY watching REBECCA FOSTER through her window at the same time every night. CLOSE UP shots of the clock showing 9:13pm. CLOSE UP TRACKING SHOTS of JOHN MULLBERRYS feet are shown as we follow his footsteps to see him walking up to REBECCA’S house. ESTABLISHING SHOTS of REBECCA FOSTER’S house are used to see that JOHN is looking through REBECCA’S window.

MID SHOT showing the INTERROGATOR sitting with JOHN MULLBERRY who is wearing a white tshirt and tracksuit bottoms. OVER THE SHOULDER SHOT used when the INTERROGATOR speaks.

What was your relationship with REBECCA FOSTER.

FLASHBACK IN BLACK AND WHITE. Looking at REBECCA FOSTER sitting in her living room. Outside a silhouette of JOHN MULLBERRY can be seen looking through the window at REBECCA FOSTER. Sound of TV can be heard and a LONG SHOT is used.

INTERROGATOR standing with arms leaning on table. JOHN MULLBERRY sitting opposite still silent. A MID SHOT is used to show the two sitting opposite, followed by an OVER THE SHOULDER SHOT when the INTERROGATOR is talking. CLOSE UP SHOT of JOHN MULLBERRY’S knuckles shown when asked the question.

How did you feel that MISS FOSTER sent you down for murder when you’re supposedly innocent?

FLASHBACK IN BLACK AND WHITE. JOHN MULLBERRY walking around REBECCA FOSTER’S house with a gun. JOHN places the gun next to LAPTOP and tries to access REBECCA'S files. CLOSE UP SHOTS used to show the gun and CLOSE UP SHOTS used to show JOHN MULLBERRY’S footsteps walking in the house. SOUND OF TV can be heard in REBECCA’S house.

INTERROGATOR getting angrier with the fact that JOHN MULLBERRY is not answering any of his questions. INTERROGATOR stands up sharply with CLOSE UP SHOTS of INTERROGATOR’S face.

I’m tired of this shit!
Did you murder REBECCA JANE FOSTER?!

FLASHBACK SHOWN IN BLACK AND WHITE. QUICK CUT to struggle between REBECCA FOSTER and JOHN MULLBERRY. REBECCA gets away and starts to run away from JOHN. 
You should have told me where the file was. 
It didn't have to come to this.

CLOSE UP of gun is shown quickly and GUN SHOT IS HEARD. QUICK SHOT of REBECCA lying on the floor with blood on her. FADES TO BLACK.

SOUND of JOHN MULLBERRY’S voice saying ‘I’m innocent.’ ASYNCHRONOUS SOUND used as the audience do not see his face as he says it.

Organisation is key when filming our opening sequence, however there can be an error with communication, leading to delays or issues with filming and overall meaning it could put us behind schedule upon the competition of our opening sequence. Examples of organisational issues could be, not having permission to film in the location wanted, forgetting to pick up equipment needed, leaving equipment behind or returning it back to school late, or after the requested date/time, not being sure what your job is on shoot, coming back to school with hardly any footage, actors or team members not turning up or being late, absence, time wasting, weather issues and finally transport issues. 

Communication is key to make sure that every member of Platinum Productions knows exactly what part and job they need to do. If there is a lack of communication this could result in the film lacking and not being as good as it should. Examples of communicational issues occurring would be if, those within the group didn't explain themselves properly, lack of confidence - not speaking out and saying what you feel, lack of patience, technology fault, i.e, phones turned off, arguments within the group, last minute changes without the full group being aware and also teachers left in the dark, notes not being recorded onto our bloggers and finally absence from school.

Issues with technology often arise due to batteries of cameras failing, a piece of technology may not function correctly and/or a member of the group may not know how to use it properly. This may affect the time in which the project will be completed and also the quality of filming. Issues with technology whilst filming could be, camera settings not being checked and resulting in an unwanted shot, poor lighting, poor sound, shaky cameras, poor framing, limited variety of camera angles and movement, breaking of equipment and finally poor understanding of continuity. 

Group dynamics:
Problems with groups being chosen are that often you find friends can fall out, this causing a divide within the group and also slow the project down. Some people within the group may be slightly more laid back than others, resulting in work lacking and time schedules not being met. Also, 'spur of the moment meetings' may result in not everyone being there therefore, not everyone knows of the goings on. Finally, the most common issue is lack of sharing, those who take on more work, may get more marks. This being unfair to the rest who would have achieved higher if it were equal. 

Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment
Checklist for Producers This must be completed at every venue you are working in

Hayley’s house.
Do you have contact numbers for the venue and all other artists working on a project?  YES

Do you know where the fire exits are? YES

Have you checked that the fire exits are clear? YES

Are fire assembly points clearly indicated? NO, but this will be changed.

Do you know where the first aid box is? YES

Are cables gaffer-taped down? YES

Have you informed participants about any cables/ equipment on the floor and ensure they’re aware of risks? YES

Have you ensured that all liquids are kept away from equipment? YES

Has equipment been PAT tested? (if you’re loaning Hive equipment it will have been PAT tested). YES

Have you visually checked power cables? (this should be done every time they are used). YES

Do you know about pre-existing medical conditions for participants, and relevant issues? YES

Have you obtained contact details for parents/ guardians? – Consent/ booking forms should be completed. * YES


Risk Assessment Form

Name: Bethan Bromley, Jenny Cooper, Katie Barnes, Hayley Hubball
School: Codsall Community High School
Activity: Opening Scene of Film
Shoot Date: Week beginning 14th October 2013
Date of Assessment:
Location: Codsall, Wolverhampton

Potential Hazard
Person (s) at Risk
Degree of Risk
(Remote, Unlikely, Likely)
Degree of Risk
(Major or Minor)
Preventative Methods
If Accident Occurs
Falling of a ladder
Bethan Bromley
People holding the ladder to stabilise it and make sure that Beth doesn’t fall.
Call an ambulance.
Injury when victim falls when being shot
Katie Barnes
Fall onto a soft ground to prevent injury
Get the first aid kit.

Student Signature:

Bethan Bromley
Jenny Cooper
Katie Barnes
Hayley Hubball


Shot List:
Production Title:    The Vengeance                           Date: 21/102013
Shot List
Production Title:                                                                                  Date:
Shot #
Type of shot
Actors required
One line description
Fade in/out
Production company lighting



Fade in/out
Quote: description of vengeance.

Straight on
Jenny Cooper
Hayley Hubball
Interview room, starting tape recorder

Straight on
Jenny Cooper
Hayley Hubball
Interview room, question 1 to John

Straight on
Establishing shot of Rebecca’s house.

Straight on
Jenny Cooper
Close up tracking shot of John’s feet walking to Rebecca’s house.

Straight on
Close up of clock to show the time 9:13pm

Straight on
Katie Barnes
Long shot of Rebecca sitting in her living room watching TV.

Straight on
Jenny Cooper
Mid shot of John’s silhouette looking through Rebecca’s window.

Straight on
Jenny Cooper
Beth Bromely
Katie Barnes
Long shot of Rebecca sitting in her living room with her friends.

Straight on
Jenny Cooper
Mid shot of John’s silhouette looking through Rebecca’s window.

Straight on
Close up of clock to show the time 9:13pm

Straight on
Katie Barnes
Long shot of Rebecca sitting in her living room on her laptop.


Straight on
Jenny Cooper
Hayley Hubball
Interview room, question 2 to John.

Straight on
Jenny Cooper
Mid shot of John’s silhouette looking through rebecca’s window.  

Straight on
Jenny Cooper
Hayley Hubball
Interview room, question 3

High angle
Jenny Cooper
Close up shot of John’s hands

High angle
Jenny Cooper
Gun next to laptop

Straight on
Jenny Cooper
Looking at John’s file on Rebecca’s computer

Straight on
Close up shot of the clock showing 9:13pm

High angle
Jenny Cooper
Katie Barnes
Quick shot of John strangling Rebecca

High angle
Jenny Cooper
Katie Barnes
Quick shot of John strangling Rebecca in different angle.

High angle
Katie Barnes
Quick shot of Rebecca trying to get off the sofa

Straight on
Jenny Cooper Katie Barnes
Rebecca running away from John

Straight on
Jenny Cooper Katie Barnes
John holding a gun that is pointed at Rebecca.
Quick blackout after
Rebecca has been shot. Dialogue

High Angle
Katie Barnes
Rebecca lying dead on the floor.
Typewriter effect
Title of the film: Vengeance.

final checklist:
  1. Use of black and white
  2. Use of appropriate weaponry 
  3. Main Villain
  4. Use of mirror to show shallow focus of villains face
  5. Fast pace editing within the action scene
  6. Use of photographs
  7. Tense music
  8. High key lighting and low key lighting
  9. A crime thrill
  10. Silhouette, shadow of villain in the garden
  11. Different camera angles to show tension
  12. Normal, house setting, perfect for thrillers
  13. Montage editing
  14. Black, dark clothing
  15. Mysterious files.
All of these codes and conventions that we are using in our film will appeal to our target audience of 15 year olds, and will help us achieve an age rating of 15 because they are intriguing and enable the audience to ask questions and make presumptions before the film has completely began. Also there are violent scenes which when we did our survey and pitch to the focus group, this was something that they were interested in seeing in a thriller film, so we included as a main code and convention in our production.
The opening of our thriller film will thrill the audience therefore meeting the requirements of the genre within the first minute, there are shocking scenes, criminal action and violence. All of these things will appeal to our age group and those interested in the thriller genre.
We have took on board all feedback given by teachers, peers and our focus group to develop a list of codes and conventions that will make a thrilling opening scene for 15 year olds.

First draft of our opening sequence.

Feedback from teachers:
Hi girls,

Can one of you forward this on to Beth as i don't have her email address. Me and Mrs B have looked at your film and awarded it a 25/60 so far.

Don't do anything over the weekend just think about the comments and we will speak to you next week

Obviously with changes this score could increase considerably:

1. The flashback scenes are not clear and need lightning to make them more obvious

2. The shot of the dead body on the floor is too dark

3. At one point there is a black scene for 6 seconds

4. The narrative is not clear at the moment (i know that you are planning to re-film parts which will help)

5. Director in the middle of the screen is not a convention

6. Needs to be smoother transition into logo

7. The times which appear at the bottom of the screen are too confusing -  not sure what is going on? Too many timings

8. Cut the girly bit on the sofa - makes it look like a horror

Self Assessment of Draft 2 against Thriller Conventions. 

Self Assessment of Draft 2 against Opening sequence conventions:

Peer Assessment:

Assessment of a film from last year: Tracker

Self assessment based on the mark scheme:

Feedback from teachers on draft 2:

After talking about it a lot within our groups, receiving feedback from both peers in the class and teachers, we decided as a group to refilm our opening sequence to our thriller film. The main reason that we did this was because others felt that the narrative was not clear in our opening. Some people became very confused with different things. We also did not have enough of the correct shots and people were able to see differences within shots, for example, how in one interview scene, the interviewer had glasses on, and in the next, she was without. This caused confusion as well as people losing interest in the opening scene. We also felt that the relationship between John and Rebecca was not clear in our first draft, therefore when refilming, we made sure to make this clear to the audience. Some parts of this first draft came across as more scary than thrilling, leading the audience to believe that they were watching a horror film. They also felt that the foley sounds that we used were unrealistic and therefore made the whole opening seem as a comedy, losing people's focus and leading them to be anything but thrilled. 

The codes and conventions were also not clear in our first draft and some people said that it felt as though they were watching a horror film due to the lack of codes and conventions. Therefore, in our second attempt at our opening, we made sure to add a lot more of these codes and conventions to make the whole scene seem more realistic and make the audience a lot more thriller. When re-editing, we also made sure to create more scenes that would leave the audience in anticipation and would create tension for them, as this is a main thing that we need when showing people our opening scene. 

Finally, we decided to change our production company logo, as some people found it confusing and could not understand what the picture was in our first attempt. 

Group Name: Platinum Productions
What needs re-filming?
Add an establishing shot of local council offices.
Include a gun and gun shot sound as this is a code and convention of a thriller.
Re film 2 questions in interview room due to 180 degree rule not being applied.
Watch and the time which the lawyer says does not match up. This will need refilming.
Add a point of view shot when murderer is behind door and lawyer comes in looking at files.
When are we going to re film?
Tuesday period 1 – kate film in office
Period 2 – hayley edit it
Period 6 – katie office dark scene and phone
Wednesday 1 – edit
Thursday 4 – jenny interview
Friday morning – finish editing
Where are we going to re film?
In school and offices if possible. The establishing shot will also be at the local council offices.
Who will film?
Hayley and Beth.
Who do we need to act in the film?
Alex Hyde, Jenny Cooper and Katie Barnes.
What props do we need?
Gun, phone, files.
What equipment do we need?
Tripod and camera.
What costume do we need?
Jenny – white and black shirt.
Katie – floral dress.
Sign Student: Jenny Cooper, Hayley Hubball, Bethan Bromley, Katie Barnes.
Sign Teacher: Mr Brown.


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