A2 Main Tasks Drafts and Final Productions

Foundations music video final:

Music video feedback:

Digipak final
Digipak feedback

Advert Final
Advert feedback

Foundations music video first draft:

Self assessment.
From watching model music videos and from examining the mark scheme I would say my work is graded at a Level 3 - 25 marks.
In my opinion what went well - 
  • lip syncing 
  • variety of shots
  • mise en scene ( different locations )
  • resolution to narrative
In my opinion I could improve on - 
  • movement
  • colour bleaching of certain shots
  • outro is very continuous
Peer assessment - Chloe.
  • Narrative is clear - I like the beginning without the sound track - sets narrative up.
  • Costuming reflects casual genre - more realistic.
  • Artist (Jenny) in some shots, not much movement.
  • Comical aspects fit genre.
  • Shots to beat - editing.
  • Some shots don't match colour-wise.
Feedback from teachers.

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